
更多 Lauren Fearne is a 20 year old singer from Bromley in London she has been singing now for about 6 years but professionally for about 2-3 years. Growing up Lauren always had a love and passion for music and theatre, and when she first found her love for singing She starting going to her local performing arts school on the weekend, and when she turned 16 Lauren left school and studied musical theatre at college, this allowed her to then explore what she loved on a deeper level and get the professional teaching advice and coaching that she needed in order to do what she loves as her job. Her biggest influence in music is Adele she has listened to her from the start and has always loved what she does, a lot of her songs Lauren performs at her gigs. Now having left college She has had some incredible experiences, those being performed at the houses of commons,has worked with an incredible producer Martijn Sietsema and Rob Davis doing some vocal work for her and week after week Lauren gets to perform in her local town, as a street performer where she sings for the public. Lauren has on going support from my family and friends and they always encourage her and support her in every decision she has made so far!

Keep It Coming


发行公司: 百纳娱乐 发行时间: 2023-02-17

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